Privacy policy

Edfidence ("us", "we", or "our") operates the website (the "Service").

Information collected

Information we collect from you (educator)

  • First and last name
  • Email address

We use this information to provision you a user account, to send you notifications from the app (eg. worksheet submitted by student) or to share our newest blog posts or other promotional content. You may opt-out from the promotional emails any time either from your account settings or using the link in the footer of each email.

Information we process on your behalf about your students

  • First and last name
  • Email address

We use this information to identify submitted worksheets with a student of yours and to send them notifications from the app (eg. worksheet submitted successfully or teacher marked the submission). We don't send promotional content to your students nor use it to any other purpose aside from identifying their submissions in your account.

We never share this information with third parties. Personal data are not fed into LLMs.

Removal of private information

In case, you wish to remove fully or partially private information of you or your students or you want to correct them, you may send a request to